
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

STEAM in October's SLJ

Wonderful, whimsical cover art
by Andy Ward
As readers of this blog have likely noticed, I care about STEAM programs and services for kids. I think it's particularly important to share details about my own STEAM programs and services, both here on this blog and elsewhere in libraryland; sometimes a bit of info, a testimonial, or a ready-to-go program plan is all that stands in the way of another library trying STEAM, and thus reaching a new, possibly-untapped audience of young library users. I know I'm not the only librarian doing and talking STEAM--not by a long shot! And that makes me very, very happy: to see children's interests piqued and multiple literacies developed through great STEAM activities and reads offered by their libraries.

The fact that I'm just one voice in a growing community of STEAM practitioners leaves me feeling incredibly humbled by a recent opportunity: to talk STEAM in SLJ. The cover feature for October's issue is titled "Full STEAM Ahead: Injecting Art and Creativity into STEM," and I sincerely hope the article will facilitate conversation about STEAM in library services for youth. We all have lots to learn from one another, as well as plenty of ideas to share.


  1. A fantastic article, Amy! Full of specific information but also great general background knowledge. I especially appreciated the sidebars and Favorite STEAM program features. Must have been a lot of work, so thanks!!

    1. Thanks, Kary! I hope there are plenty of ideas to inspire the hesitant librarians.


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