
Monday, October 7, 2013

Digital Story Times: A Presentation at the 2013 MLA Conference

Last Thursday afternoon, I spoke to a room (which was quite full, excitingly!) of librarians and library advocates on the topic of digital story times. As my slides indicate, we touched on quite a few important topics with regard to new media in a story time setting. Some of our big topics:
  • joint media engagement and the growing consensus that the "screen" part of "screen time" isn't as important as the intentionality of use;
  • the importance of finding the appropriate balance of digital elements in a program, all based on your library's needs, audience size, audience age, program goals;
  • the fact that a tablet in story time isn't a crazy, anomalous contraption, but just another tool for the toolkit;
  • and ways to use digital media in story time settings, both in existing programs and in new initiatives made possible by new media.

At the end of the session, in addition to answering some questions about the logistical aspects of using new media in the library and our state's great tech mini-grants, I mentioned my handout. This handout is packed with resources for finding helpful app reviews, useful program plans and ideas, and apps that promote the 5 early literacy practices. If you're interested in seeing this handout, complete with links to everything I mention, click here.

Thank you to everyone who attended my Digital Story Times session; I hope anyone with an interest in the topic of new media and early literacy will get in touch with any questions or follow-up thoughts.

Without further ado, my slidedeck:

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