
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

World Read Aloud Day is March 5!

If you haven't made them already, you should make some plans to do extra read-aloud activities next Wednesday. That's because March 5 is World Read Aloud Day!

According to LitWorld, the international non-profit that puts on the event each year, "World Read Aloud Day is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people." It's a prime opportunity to insert a few bonus story read-alouds or writing activities at your library.

Next week at my library, we're celebrating in a handful of ways. We have an advertised "Read with a Police Officer!" story time program in the afternoon, and a member of my local police force will come to share a story and talk about why reading is fun and important. I'm going to set up a "Favorite Books to Read Aloud" station for all library customers; they'll be able to write the names of their favorite read-alouds on die-cut books and share them on a display. And my plan is to do impromptu read-alouds in the children's area whenever there are a handful of kids present.

I'll report back next week for a recap of our World Read Aloud Day festivities. In the meantime, I'd love to hear how you plan to celebrate!

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