
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Show Me STEAM on The Library As Incubator Project

I am extremely excited to be sharing my first post today on The Library as Incubator Project!

A while back, The Library as Incubator Project (LAIP) contacted me to see if I'd be interested in regularly contributing to their blog. They were looking for a STEAM perspective--specifically, programming ideas and examples for integrating STEM concepts into those "traditional" arts and crafts programs that take place at so many libraries. I LOVE the LAIP and was thrilled to say "yes."

My first post serves as something of an introduction to this idea of harnessing the STEM potential in arts and crafts programs. It's meant to serve as an introduction to the idea that there are STEM applications for arts & crafts activities. Readers of The Show Me Librarian are likely already familiar with this concept in theory, but fret not: from here on out, my monthly posts on LAIP will each highlight a specific program, ready to replicate in your library. These will be programs that at first glance look like straight arts and crafts programs, but which actually have tons of avenues for adding in STEM concepts, too.

I hope you'll head over to LAIP to read my first post for them. Then stick around and browse all of their great content. It's a gold mine of ideas over there!

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