
Monday, July 14, 2014

Art Bots & Family Forts: Last Week at the Library

It's been a busy summer at the library. That's just the way we like it: a dance of activities ranging from summer reading to exciting STEAM/maker programs to featured performers to special after-hours events and beyond!

I want to share what we were up to last week at the library. We offered two particularly exciting events, which I want to share here with Vines and links to full how-tos and program write-ups. I hope your summer has been this fun so far, too!

Art Bots!

I had about twenty school-age kids and their caregivers in the library last week to make Art Bots, fantastically simple but incredibly amazing drawing robots. Be not afraid, oh ye with fears of robotics and/or maker activities. These little bots are actually very straightforward, and my kiddos caught on to their construction really quickly. I used this excellent program write-up from the Cheshire (CT) Public Library as I prepped for the program.

Family Forts After Hours

I first heard about this program from Marge at Tiny Tips for Library Fun, and I first offered it (and blogged about it) at my own library this past winter. It's been a repeat hit during the summer months, too, with a great balance between families new to the program and those who are repeat attendees. The whole event is a treat: getting to be in the library after hours, the construction and use of reading forts, and--the finale--glow in the dark hide and go seek. So. Much. Fun.

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