
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thinking Outside the Book: Where's Waldo Activity Pages

My, my, my, am I into repurposing falling apart books lately.

My latest endeavor in reusing withdrawal fodder is meant to provide diversion for the kiddos stuck with their parents at the public computers. As I've mentioned before, our public internet computers are not in immediate proximity to the children's area. Which means, if a caregiver wants to use the computers and there's no one to attend to the child/ren in the children's area, the kids have to stay in the computer area.

As I've also mentioned before, we aim to do what we can to keep these young customers engaged and happy while they wait for their grownups. We've got coloring books and crayons, portable toys, quick reading material... And, now, stand-along Where's Waldo sheets.

You see, I had a Where's Waldo book that was falling apart. While the binding was shot, many of the pages were just fine. So I spent a few minutes locating Waldo on the pages that were in good shape, then cut those pages right out of the (now withdrawn) book. I printed up some sheets with the library logo and the request to return the pages to the information desk when the quest for Waldo was complete. Then, when I was visiting the cataloguing department to laminate the pages for our second annual Picture Book Walk, I laminated these standalone Waldo activity sheets, too.

Now the sheets are at the information desk, and I anticipate them getting plenty of use this summer when the days are hot and the computer bays are packed.

And who knows! Maybe I'll stumble upon something else to repurpose soon.


Do you ever repurpose library materials that are falling apart? Tell me how!

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