
Monday, May 19, 2014

Announcing Your Dream Conference: The 2014 Midwest Youth Services Unconference

Darien's done it. Michigan's done it. And now, we're doing it here in the Midwest in Missouri, too.

That's right, folks. We're Unconferencing.

Have you ever wanted to attend a conference where all of the breakout sessions were exactly the ones you wanted to attend the most? Now you can! Register for the inaugural Midwest Youth Services Unconference and join us for a FREE day of training and networking for all children’s and teen library staff!

The first Midwest Youth Services Unconference will take place on Wednesday, August 20, 2014, at the Spencer Road Branch of the St. Charles City-County Library District in St. Peters, Missouri. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. that day, youth services library staff will meet for a day of customized professional development sessions that meet your personal needs and interests. You can register for the Midwest Youth Services Unconference here.

What’s an Unconference? An Unconference is a particular type of professional development that is designed to meet the training needs of everyone in attendance. The breakout sessions are chosen by attendees at the beginning of the Unconference day, and the chosen sessions will be led and/or facilitated by attendees who volunteer in advance. For example, if attendees want sessions on makerspaces, dynamic storytimes, and simple teen programs, those are the sessions that will be offered at the Unconference.

For more information, including FAQs, or to register for this free event, please visit the Unconference website:

Mark your calendars, friends! I look forward to seeing you in August for the first Midwest Youth Services Unconference.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Amy! I'm happy to help answer questions if you've got them based on our experiences with MiKidLib.


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