
Friday, March 14, 2014

The Show Me Librarian is 2!

Today marks the second anniversary since I began blogging about library things here at The Show Me Librarian.

In that time, I've shared lots of books, programs, thoughts, and conference takeaways, and I have every intention of continuing to share to the best of my abilities. I've heard from many readers who have said that they find this blog useful as they do and think about their jobs. As long as sharing here can have a positive impact on even one colleague, I'll keep doing this. We're a sharing, collaborative profession, and I'm happy to share and collaborate.

So thanks to you, dear readers, for helping me get to this second blog birthday by reading what I've put up here! I'll mark the occasion with a cupcake or glass of champagne, and I wouldn't think any less of you if you indulge, too.


  1. Happy blog birthday! It seems hard to believe you have brought so much goodness to the kids librarianship blogosphere and conversation in just two years! Thank you for sharing your programs, thoughts, enthusiasm and natural joie de vivre for exploring new partners, networks and links that help us all. Rock on, my friend!

  2. I agree with Marge--it's amazing what you've brought to the YS world in just two years! You're such a wonderful resource and inspiration. Thanks for all you do and here's to many more years!

  3. Congratulations! Thank you for all the great ideas you so graciously share with us.
    Happy day,
    "Miss Lisa," NC

  4. Thanks, everyone, for your kind words!

  5. Thank YOU, Amy! Your STEAM resources have been so helpful in preparing my programs!

  6. Yay! Happy blog birthday!!! :D


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