
Friday, January 10, 2014

Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference on January 15 & 16

Next Wednesday, January 15, Marge Loch-Wouters and I will be presenting a session in the two-day Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference. This online conference boasts sessions on great topics from outstanding librarians like Sarah Houghton (the Librarian in Black), David Lankes, and Justin Hoenke, to name just a few.

Marge and I will be presenting a session titled Unprogramming: Recipes for Successful Programming with School-Age Children & Teens. Our session will touch on what it means to unprogram and how unprogramming can benefit you and your library. We'll also include oodles of examples of unprograms that work, with a Pinterest page of resources to go with.

This two-day, free, virtual conference will also be live tweeted at #wwwc14. For more information on the conference and its sessions and speakers, check out the event's Facebook page. I cannot wait for the ideas to start spreading next week.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, thanks for the head's up about this conference. I think my staff and I are going to tune in to some of the sessions!


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