
Monday, December 30, 2013

The Real End-of-Year Must-Read: "It's Not Just Sexism" on Storytime Underground

I was all set to post on a completely different topic today, but I am postponing that piece so that, hopefully, more people will read an outstanding post by Cory Eckert on Storytime Underground.

We're rapidly approaching prime librarian accolades season, a time when many youth services librarians feel overlooked and undervalued by the profession at large. Regardless of where you weigh in on that particular argument--whether you want wider recognition, whether you don't, whether it's the principle of the matter--Cory's piece is a must-read. THIS is the sort of article that should be in American Libraries Direct, because then all sorts of librarians would read it. But this is the sort of article that never gets linked for all librarianship to read.

So many librarians are doing good work for the communities they serve; that accolade is not reserved solely for youth services librarianship. But when factors like privilege, race, and sex prevent the good work in the children's room from getting equal recognition to all the shiny new trends? That's a serious problem, for our profession as well as those we serve.

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