
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Guerrilla Storytime is Coming to Philadelphia #alamw14

Are you planning to be in Philadelphia this January for the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting? If you are, I hope you'll make plans to attend Guerrilla Storytime!

I've booked the Networking Uncommons, located in the Pennsylvania Convention Center--i.e., the heart of the conference proceedings--for an hour-long Guerrilla Storytime on Sunday, January 26, 2014, from 2-3 p.m. I'll be there with my cup of challenges to get the conversation rolling, but this event is all about the librarians who attend. It's about the storytime skills you want to share, the storytime questions you want to ask, and the storytime truths you want the rest of the profession to know.

Guerrilla Storytime is an opportunity for youth services librarians to gather at conferences to share their expertise with one another. Guerrilla Storytimes take place in a public space, like the Networking Uncommons, so non-youth services librarians can observe as they walk by just how much knowledge and energy goes into providing great storytimes. The original Guerrilla Storytimes took place back in June and July in Chicago at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference, and the initiative has been picking up momentum ever since. Check out the Storytime Underground for full details on what Guerrilla Storytime is and what's happened at Guerrilla Storytimes since the summer.

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