
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happening this Week -- The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries

If you're in the mood for some free, during-the-workday, thought-provoking professional development, it's my pleasure to direct you to The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries, a free online conference-style event from Library Journal and School Library Journal. The event will take place this Wednesday, October 16, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST.

The event formally kicks off with a keynote panel moderated by Rebecca Miller, the editor in chief of both libraryland publications. From there, attendees have a number of options for how to structure their days: there are a variety of sessions across three broad categories (instruction, community, and collections); virtual poster sessions; and virtual exhibits open throughout the day. There will also be a closing keynote on connected learning to bookend the day. Don't forget there will be plenty of opportunity for networking and talking shop--virtually, of course--on Twitter! All sessions will be archived for later viewing by registered participants, so sign up even if you're busy on Wednesday.

I will be co-presenting one of the sessions in the community category. During "The Community Joins In: Library Maker Spaces," which starts at 12:15 p.m. EST, Justin Hoenke of Chattanooga (TN) Public Library, Michelle Cooper of Henderson High School, and I will be talking about the maker movement and how it ties into youth services for both children and teens. Our goals are to unpack the maker movement and demonstrate strategies for libraries to engage in that movement in a way that benefits young library users. I've got some awesome co-presenters, and I hope you'll check out what they have to say.

Check out the webpage for The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries to see the full scope of content that will be shared this Wednesday. If anything seems of interest to you, go ahead and register--you can plan to attend the live event, or instead wait for the archived sessions to watch at your leisure. Either way, you've got some great professional development coming your way.


  1. I just signed up! Thanks for posting this info and link. It's not that easy for authors to find out what's happening in our libraries and this looks perfect for some self-education. I will be doing a program myself on Wed. but will come back later and view it once it's archived. Thanks again!

    1. I'm glad to share the info! It's always nice when events have options to view later--makes them more accessible to folks with a variety of schedules.


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