
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Speak Up!

One of the many things I love about my job is the professional community that goes along with it. On busy or tough or downright frustrating days, I know that I'll find motivation and new energy as soon as I see what my peers are up to. Twitter, blogs, conferences, webinars--it all helps me recharge my library battery. And it's because you speak up.

I see so many youth librarians who are incredibly passionate about what they do, and because of that passion, they speak up. They speak up for the underserved children in their communities. They speak up to share ideas for new programs and services. They speak up when they think a training--in programming, in readers' advisory, in early literacy--will help staff and the library, and they speak up when asked to make that training happen. Passionate youth librarians speak up because they know that what we do is important.

So, today, I just want to remind you--yes, YOU!--to speak up. Do you have an idea for a new program that fills a gap in what you currently offer? Speak up! Do you see an area of your service population that isn't being reached by library marketing? Speak up! Do you see other libraries offering a service that you think your customers would love? Speak up!

Bring your concerns and your ideas to the table; speak up and provide an impetus to keep libraries fresh, engaging, and relevant. Speaking up isn't obstructionist, it's productive; it gets conversations started in the library world. It demonstrates that you care enough about your organization and the work you do to always want to do your best.

When you speak up, it's inspiring. It makes libraries stronger.

image is Creative Commons-licensed by Flickr user HowardLake


  1. Amy, once again you are SPOT ON! What I especially love about this post is that it reminds us all that libraries/library service don't have to be written in stone....we can (and should!) adapt/change/respond. When we speak up, we are being advocates of change or supporters of what already works and shouldn't change. Thank you for the important reminder.

  2. We were just talking about this with the folks at the institute this week! Well said!

  3. great message! I shoot marbles with kids at the library and him going to revise my book let's play marbles for kids, to include a section on ways to unplug kids from the digital addiction. Its my way of speaking up.


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