
Friday, January 4, 2013

My Newbery Year

I've been looking forward to 2013 for one really big reason: it's the year I do massive amounts of reading as a member of the 2014 (John) Newbery Award Selection Committee.

I'm telling you about my committee appointment because it is going to directly affect how I talk about books on this blog. I've decided not to formally review any titles for the duration of my committee work--that is, if it's published in 2013, you won't see a review from me. I am a librarian, though, so I'll most definitely still be talking about books on this blog, albeit in a slightly different context than I have previously. What I read so often influences what I program for the kids at my library, and since I blog about my programs, titles and synopses of 2013 books related to my programming will necessarily enter the conversation. I want to take a moment to emphasize that any mention I make of 2013 titles on this blog reflects my personal thoughts, and mine alone; I could never dream of speaking for the intelligent, erudite people with whom I am serving on the committee, and I most definitely do not speak for the committee as a whole.

Really, that's what I wanted to say. I love talking about books, and I will mention 2013 titles as they pertain to the rest of the topics I blog about, but I will not be sharing reviews or criticisms here (although I will always love to hear what you have to say about what you're reading!).

I wish you happy reading this year, and I look forward to focusing on blogging about my programs and other topics in youth librarianship throughout 2013.


  1. Wow! You certainly have the reading ability to do this! I'm impressed. And really, really jealous. Good for you!

    1. Thanks, Karen! The Cybils definitely helped get me up to speed for what it takes to get ready for an award committee.

  2. Amy, this is going to be a very special year for you (my year was Walk Two Moons!). For a youth librarian, there is nothing like the next 18 months. You'll work and read and think hard but savor every second - it will be unforgettable!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Marge! My mind is blown that you were on the committee for Walk Two Moons--I fell in love with Salamanca Tree Hiddle with my first reading. It's a beautiful book.

  3. Yay Newbery!!!! I hope you have a FABULOUS reading year and I'mma keep my fingers crossed that I get to have a Newbery year at some point. ;)

  4. Enjoy your time on the Newbery committee! Looking forward to seeing what you have to share with us in 2013. Happy reading to you, too.


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