
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer Reading Volunteers: We're Halfway Through the Program!

It's official: we're halfway done with our summer reading programs at my library. That means we've drawn the names of the winners of the Cardinals tickets drawing (an incentive for signing up in the first month), and we've started making serious dents in our boxes of prizes. And while we haven't seen the onslaught of families running to the summer reading station that we did that first week, we have had a steady stream of enthusiastic kids coming to claim their prizes and talk about what they've been reading. Participation is high, and there have been lots of people in the library. Which means we might have had total chaos if not for our summer reading volunteers.

I've been so impressed by our volunteers, who are all teens; they always act professionally and represent the library well. When our volunteers have had downtime--and that does happen for stretches of each shift--they've been doing a great job of staying engaged and not looking bored. I emphasize that summer reading volunteers can read during the slow times, counting that reading toward their own summer reading goals. I've had a few great what-I've-been-reading conversations with these volunteers in these quieter moments, and I was excited to get to promote some upcoming titles during these talks. (I even mentioned that some of the most coveted ARCs will be available as prizes at our upcoming district-wide TAB lock-in... Woot!)

A few volunteers who are skilled organizers and multitaskers have even taken on the responsibility of restocking SRP supplies and preparing program crafts for children's staff. Suffice it to say, these summer reading volunteers have been a huge help. They are very much earning the volunteer appreciation party awaiting them after the close of summer reading... And that's all I'll say about that reward for now. :)

First month's stats:
  • Total program registrations (children and teens): 1783
  • Total volunteer hours worked: 213
  • Number of volunteers helping with summer reading: 33

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